As I mentioned before, Adam is going to be the main focus for this Generation. Eve will autonomously do her own thing unless I need to or want to move the control over to her, which then Adam will do his things autonomously.
The first milestone of the Successful Lineage Aspiration is “Readily a Parent”. Since I created him as a Young Adult, he fulfilled 1/2 of the milestone already which was to “Become an Adult”. Then purchasing Crick Cabana, he was able to achieve partial of the second half. He needs to “Spend $1,000 on Kids’ Stuff” and with the child’s room that came with the house, he was able to accomplish $325 of that.

One of Adam’s whims is to “Buy a Toy”. I can knock out two birds with one stone here. All I need to do is find a toy worth $675 or more.

I don’t know if my nooboo will be a boy or a girl. I want to buy something that will appease to both genders. I find this Realistic Princess Doll Castle for $825. I don’t see why it has to be just a princess, tho. A boy could play with it and pretend it’s a Realistic King Doll Castle, right?
Share your thoughts in the comments below if this Castle Dollhouse could be gender neutral. Do your Sims toddlers or children play with it?

I place the Castle Dollhouse in the Master bedroom. It’s too big for the spare bedroom. I mean, look at the size of this thing. It’s as tall as Adam. Plus maybe Adam or Eve can play with it as well with their child.
Doing this achieves one of Adam’s whims as well as the first milestone to the Successful Lineage Aspiration.
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