This is Adam Sims. Adam is a young adult who’s Aspiration is to have a Successful Lineage. Because of this Aspiration, he has the Domestic trait (which allows him to see his family relationships grow faster).
The three traits I gave Adam are: Romantic (to get him in the flirty mood with Eve), Erratic (anyone helping repopulate a world would end up getting a little crazy), and Family-Oriented (because he’s going to need a family to continue his legacy and repopulate the Worlds).
I chose white with splashes of other colors for his wardrobe as he is pure (for now). All clothing are base game with the exception of Hot Weather and Cold Weather. Those outfits are from the Seasons Pack. So if you see an outfit they are wearing and you like it, you can find them in your game.
Adam does have some custom content on him. It’s the body hair you may notice now and then. If you want body hair for your male sims like Adam has, you can download it at Luumia Sims (ALERT: Luumia Sims website contains Mature Content that may not be suitable for young viewers!)

Here we have Eve Sims. She is wife to Adam. She too is a young adult who aspires to have a Successful Lineage, and therefore has the Domestic trait as well.
I gave Eve a cheerful trait (because I wanted her to be happy with Adam) and then gave her the Erratic and Family-Oriented traits to match Adam.
Eve’s wardrobe is the same as Adam’s, mostly white with splashes of other colors. All base game as well except for the Hot Weather and Cold Weather which are from the Seasons Pack. Eve has no custom content to her.
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